Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Why Blog?

As someone who dreams of being a successful, proffessional (and hopefully full time) writer in the future, it's come to my attention that one of the best ways in which to advertise your writing in today's world is to have an online blog. So this is mine, I would ask anyone reading this to bear with me (or if you're reading this in the future, it might be better to scan through to a later blog as my aim is to improve over time). I've named it 'Write, Wrong and all things in-between' because primarily it's for (and about) my writing but I'd also like to use it to record other things in my life. So, here is what I hope 'Write, Wrong and all things in-between' will deliver to the reader(s) (assuming, of course, that I have any!):

  • Short stories, You know, the wierd and wonderful ones that pop into your brain when you're not really up to much!
  • A blog, much like a diary, that shares my views on the day to day happenings of my life... think Adrian mole (hopefully minus the obvious, although admittedly hysterical, delusions of grandeaur)
  • Anything else that I happen to type up.... becuase I can, so ner!
Well, that's it in a nutshell.


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